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About Us

About Us

“Wi didn’t create the mobile playbook…but Wi are creating a new chapter”

100% of your audience is already mobile and modern consumers expect you to better understand and rapidly respond to their ever-changing needs.  Where it used to be enough to deliver and promote a good core product in the right location and price, your success is now contingent on outstanding Customer Relationship Management, brand image, social ranking and how well you can intuitively communicate and interact with your audiences.

The “First Moment of Truth” rule in consumer engagement has been replaced with the “Zero Moment of Truth” and it’s due in large part to the rise and dominance of Mobile, Search and Social.  Your next customer is now researching and making decisions on your product and brand before you come into direct contact with them and most of them are doing so on their mobile.

Our business was founded in the Mobile, Social and e-Commerce era and Wi are respected thought-leading natives in these spaces. As such, Wi are on the leading edge of our industry and are focussed solely on helping your business maintain traditional values while better undertaking modern commerce.  Wi achieve this by adhering to a few guiding principles:

  • Wi Execute on the simple belief that modern commerce requires frictionless interoperability between effective and measurable consumer engagement, globally connected payment transaction solutions and relevant loyalty programmes.
  • Wi Focus exclusively on the mobile channel, providing strategic expertise, world-class technology and efficient implementation that allows you to leverage the intimacy, reach and influence of mobile like never before.
  • Wi Specialise in providing easy-to-use, and cost effective mobile marketing technology, strategies and tools that empower and help your business deepen customer engagement.
  • Wi Integrate mobile marketing and loyalty platforms with globally compliant payment solutions to help you quantify and convert your marketing activities into measurable repeat sales.
  • Wi Connect you to all major mobile networks and provide you with the widest, unparalleled reach in our market, allowing to directly engage your customers wherever they are and agnostic of mobile operator.

If you understand or are interested in exploring the reach and value of mobile engagement, Contact Us and let us help you to leverage the power of mobile to connect you with existing customers and new audiences.